What stops most business owners from improving their website and making it easier to find?
The primary reasons are time and ignorance. They know they should be doing more but editing websites and managing marketing campaigns is not their field of expertise. Content management systems may be easy to use, but it still takes time and patience and everyone employed by the business is already overly busy doing what they currently do and they don’t want to take on more staff, even on a part time basis.
They don’t know what to do or who to contact to get objective advice about their website or marketing, or even what to actually ask them if they do find someone! And, they think they’re going to be spending a lot of money on something they don’t fully understand and which might not have any benefit.
We believe that far too many small businesses think just “having” a website is enough, and don’t appreciate that it would only take a few hours on a regular – or ad hoc – basis to make it easier to find and improve it generally. If this resonates with you, and your current website is not being found or delivering the enquiries/business that you think it should be – we can help.