Blog Article Promotion & Link Building
Promoting your web site using a blog is proving to be one of the most cost effective ways of getting a web site promoted.
Set up a blog on your site and regularly add news or info relating to your business, products, services or your market in general. Google likes fresh content and if these articles are optimised for search engines to contain the right key words, and if the content links to relevant pages of your web site, it will help build traffic to your site. However, for this to work effectively, your own website does need to be optimised properly for the search engines. We include this service as part of our Site Marketing Set Up Service.
We know this works effectively as we implement it all day, every day for our clients round the world. When we upload blog articles onto our own sites, which have built-in Google friendly optimisation tools, they are quickly spidered by Google and this has a positive effect on traffic to any pages which the blog article links to. Often these blog articles promote new web sites we have produced for our clients, and if you look at the blog articles on the right, you’ll see how effective this is. If you read an article about a client, and then go and search for them via Google using generic key words in the article, you’ll nearly always find our blog article [the first stage] or their own website [the second stage] on the first few pages of Google. However, we must stress that the latter only happens if your website is optimised properly and other fundamentals are adhered to.